Monday, May 17, 2010

Being a Mom

I read a blog today that really hit home.  I wish that I would have had all the resources that are available today twenty years ago as I was just starting a family and my grown kids were small!  I can't remember how many times people have supposed that I stayed home with my children because I didn't have any skills.  I could never understand why they didn't know that I chose to stay home because my kids need me and it is fun.  I could have done anything I wanted to do and I CHOSE to be a mom.  It would have been nice to know that there was someone then that felt the same way I did.   So here is the quote from the blog Latter-day homeschooling written by Courtney:

"I grew up hearing about how "women can have it all" only to hear as an
adult, that those who tried, found it was impossible.  I guess now the
new saying is that you can have it all, you just can't
have it all at the same time.  I must strongly disagree.  Women can have
it all, and at the same time.  I certainly do.  But it is because
I am a mother, not in spite of it.

Every time I read a book to my children, I am an actress.  Every
time I sing them to sleep, I'm a singer.  When I blast music while we
clean the house, we are all dancers!  I'm an artist every time I get out
the paints or crayons.  I'm the world's greatest doctor, who can heal
anything with a kiss and a hug.   I'm a therapist when they come to me
in tears.  I'm an accountant every time I balance the checkbook.  I'm a
chef when I'm in the kitchen.  I'm a maid, manager, technician and
computer geek.  Electrician, nutritionist, horticulturist, photographer,
movie screener and critic.  I'm a builder, economist, a politician, a
professional complement giver, the "it's not fair" police and a drill

Within my little family I have fulfilled every dream I
have ever had and more!  And since I have added homeschooling to my
list, I'm finding a whole new set of dreams that I am so excited to
follow with my kids.  I get to be a scientist, a mathematician,
theologian, botanist, zoologist, literacy specialist and historian.  I
get to read great literature with them and be a scholar.  With the help
of this blog, I'm now a writer.  I can do anything my heart desires because I am a mother!"

I hope I can always remember this and realize all the opportunities I have and not dwell on the things I can't or haven't done!  Being a mom is really the best and I wouldn't trade my life for any other life.  I am the most blessed person that I know.  I'm thankful for all of my blessings and my best blessing is my family and every person in it that I get to serve and help and love!